*thinking of a good name*

Yes, I'm sorry Selina, I stole the name from one of your photo albums... But it's a good name. And plus, I can't think of anything that could capture all the stuff that's happened in the past weekend!
Saturday was a big day. There was a children's program meeting in the morning that Mom and Dad went to. While I was home with Nathan, Gloria called. She and Jorge and their three girls were in El Salvador for the day from Honduras, so we invited them to come over for some food and futball :D

We had a pretty great time with them. You know how I found out that tag here is "meeka"? Well we learned that in Honduras it's "landa".

Sidenote: After they left I watched "One Night With the King" on a laptop, and it was good :) I would probably recommend it.

Anyway, Sunday was a packed day. We had a surprise yesterday morning! Around 8:00 we were getting ready for church, when there was a knock at the main gate to the compound. When Mom went out and got it, Selena was standing there! She said, in Spanish of course, that she was all ready for church, and she had her offering and everything, and her mom had left to go sell some meat, so she just thought she'd visit us for a little while. She came in and had breakfast with us. Her coffee, she was sure to tell us, could have a little sugar, but her mom says not to put too much because it's not good for her. She was so proud to show us her money for the offering... Her mom had given her $0.20, and she kept saying 10 was for her and 10 was for God.

Ack! It's sideways... Oh well, you can just look silly and tilt your head. Otherwise, sorry. :)

After church we went to Gladys's house so her kids could play with Nathan, and she could visit with us. She took us to this amazing, beautiful, undescribable hill for the boys to run and play on. It was so great. You could see the whole city form the top. We took a lot of pictures on top... Too many to post here. You can check my facebook September album for them.

We came back and went to the normal teen classes at 4, and at 5 Jorge came and picked us up to go to Honduras. The worship services there are at night instead of in the morning. They are in the process of building a new church building, and the group from America that is coming down on Friday will be working on it. Until that is finished, services are held in Jorge's garage. They also had to knock out the wall from their master bedroom to the garage to extend it because they grew so much. After church I got a picture of me holding this precious little girl, Alessandra.

She is blind. She was born with fluid on her brain, and had to have surgery to drain it. They also installed something into it. Now she has around a couple seizures every day... And all the doctors know is to tell her mom to take care of her. She is so, so sweet. There is a doctor's appintment for her in San Salvador sometime in October.

Also, in regards to late doctor's appointments... We're asking for everyone to pray for Estela's little boy, Douglas. He is about 8 years old. They think he might have epilepsy. The sad thing is, when they scheduled an appointment for him, the closest they could schedule it was for next June. So prayers would definitely be appreciated for both of these kids.


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This place? This is my blog! I'm Erin, or you may know me as Ruth. I'm spending this year living in La Palma, El Salvador with my family working with the church, and I'm pretty pumped about seeing some awesome stuff happen through our amazing God. Here, you can read about some of that awesome stuff, catch up with my family news (There's a link to the rest of the fam's blogs above!), or just see what I've been up to lately. Thanks for checking it out! :)

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