The Rest of the Fam's Blogs

Hey, here's where you can find the blogs with everyone else's point of view! Here's my mom, Lori's, blog:
Lori's Life in La Palma

Here's my dad, Monte's, blog:
Messages from Monte

And here's my friend and neighbor, Teresa's, blog:
La Palma Girl

My brother, Nathan, should be getting his blog up soon, and I'll add the link to it as soon as he does. Thanks for checking them all out! :)

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This place? This is my blog! I'm Erin, or you may know me as Ruth. I'm spending this year living in La Palma, El Salvador with my family working with the church, and I'm pretty pumped about seeing some awesome stuff happen through our amazing God. Here, you can read about some of that awesome stuff, catch up with my family news (There's a link to the rest of the fam's blogs above!), or just see what I've been up to lately. Thanks for checking it out! :)

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