How I Drowned
I drowned last Sunday. Nathan did with me, too. I have the pictures to prove it. Confused yet? We acted out the story of Moses in Bible class. :) I was one of the Egyptian slave owners.
Nathan was Pharoh. Little Douglas was Moses.
We started with him leading the rest of the class- I mean Israelites. They came to me, outside, to "borrow" the gold and silver and clothes.
We had little yellow paper plates to look like gold and glued paper clothes and gold things onto them, along with a Bible verse. After they borrowed the stuff from me, Nathan-I mean Pharoh, decided to let them go. So they started walking through the church yard-I mean desert. But-gasp!-Pharoh changed his mind. So, I, as an Egyptian, began chasing them with the Pharoh. When they got to the hung up blue sheets-I mean sea, it miraculously parted for them! When the Pharoh and I got there, though, it closed up on us! And that's how I drowned last week. Wanna watch? Look:
I'd like to mention just how well our kids are doing in the classes now. We've gone from creation to Moses, and they know all of the stories. They know about Adam & Eve, Noah, Jacob, Joseph, they can say all the plagues, etc. They can repeat them every morning for us, and they're even almost all able to say the books of the New Testament. I'm so proud of how far they've come! :)
Blessings always,
Thanks for entering the giveaway, good luck!!!I loved reading your story & look forward to reading more about your time in El Salvador.
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