How I Drowned

I drowned last Sunday. Nathan did with me, too. I have the pictures to prove it. Confused yet? We acted out the story of Moses in Bible class. :) I was one of the Egyptian slave owners.

Nathan was Pharoh. Little Douglas was Moses. We started with him leading the rest of the class- I mean Israelites. They came to me, outside, to "borrow" the gold and silver and clothes. We had little yellow paper plates to look like gold and glued paper clothes and gold things onto them, along with a Bible verse. After they borrowed the stuff from me, Nathan-I mean Pharoh, decided to let them go. So they started walking through the church yard-I mean desert. But-gasp!-Pharoh changed his mind. So, I, as an Egyptian, began chasing them with the Pharoh. When they got to the hung up blue sheets-I mean sea, it miraculously parted for them! When the Pharoh and I got there, though, it closed up on us! And that's how I drowned last week. Wanna watch? Look:

I'd like to mention just how well our kids are doing in the classes now. We've gone from creation to Moses, and they know all of the stories. They know about Adam & Eve, Noah, Jacob, Joseph, they can say all the plagues, etc. They can repeat them every morning for us, and they're even almost all able to say the books of the New Testament. I'm so proud of how far they've come! :)

Blessings always,


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Guacal List

Guacal is pronounced like "wa-call." It's a little bowl/bucket/dishpan sort of thing.But we'll come back to that later.

So while the group has been here, they've been going on medical campaigns up in the little mountain towns around La Palma. Las Cruces, El Gramal, El Guayavito, Mira Mundo, and Aguacatalito, for those of you who know the area. I didn't get to to go to El Gramal, but I went the rest of the places and helped with translating. We gave everyone vitamins and parasite treatments. They could also get medications if they needed it, and Melvin was making reading glasses for those who needed them; even if they couldn't read and needed them for something like sewing or cooking. A few pictures:

My first official translating job!

Waiting in line for glasses

Today was a completely different ball game, though. Instead of an actual clinic, we went up to Mira Mundo and Aguacatalito. First was the little school at Mira Mundo. We started out with a few "dynamicas," like activities or songs with motions or little games. I had a ball with those kids singing "El caro de mi jefe tiene oyo en la yanta! Y reparemoslo con chicle!" which means "My boss's car has a hole in the tire, so we'll fix it with bubble gum!" and a couple others. Then we passed out vitamins and parasite treatments along with toothbrushes and paste. After they'd received that, we were even able to pass out clothing for them and stuffed animals. I love doing that; it's so much fun for me, even though they're the ones supposedly receiving the treat. Watching the little kids eyes just light up when we give them a bed roll to take home is priceless. No picture could ever really capture it.

Our next stop was Aguacatalito. The school was going to be really difficult to reach in our giant truck, called a camion, so the whole town basically met us in this little soccer field. We set up chairs, did vitamins and a mini clinic, and gave out bags and bags and bags of clothes. So many of those little boys and girls are going to be so proud of their new clothes, and it's just so exciting to give them to them!

As it was nearing time to leave, a few of the little boys brought out pieces of cardboard.

No. Not cardboard. Well, technically. But. They were sleds! On a hill covered in dried grass. They'd plop a sheet down on it, sit on it, and slide. Needless to say, the Peace Corps volunteers with us, Emily and Liz, along with Mom and I were mesmorized by this awesomeness and felt the need to try. And you better believe we sledded with the best of them!

That was just a part of our adventures. And here is where "guacals" come in. While we were riding together in the back of our huge truck, we began talking about all the things we wanted to do during our time in El Salvador before we all moved back. Someone said the phrase "bucket list," and was promptly corrected that it was a "guacal list," because guacals are what are used for everything by everyone in El Salvador. And so, born were our guacal lists. During the course of the day, we were able to cross off many things. We visited the highest point in El Salvador; over 8,000 ft above sea level. (The air was too thin up there...) We mastered the art of making PB&J in the back of an EXTREMELY bouncy truck. With a knife! A couple of us shared a bathroom with a beehive. We sledded on dry ground with cardboard, on a mountain in El Salvador. We pulled a tree out of the ground with a truck. By accident. We tossed candy and toys and clothes out of the truck bed to kids like a parade float. And trust me, I could go on. But sometimes... What happens in the camion, stays in the camion. ;)

Blessings always,


PS: A few pictures following from the day :)

Prayers, Please. Why I Haven't Been Blogging.

Many of my friends and family members have been getting onto me for not blogging enough lately, and I usually say I'm too busy. While this is usually true to an extent, it's not the only reason that I haven't been keeping my blog up. There are many great things going on in La Palma in the church. We had a successful evangelism campaign in the park last week and the American team is currently here for a medical campaign this week in the mountains. But parts of the work aren't going as well, and it's been overshadowing the good things I would normally blog about. The church, the people, the work, everything and everyone here desperately needs your prayers as we have been under attack. The following is the exact copy of what my dad posted on his blog earlier today, and I'd like to post it here for you all to see his words:

"As you are probably aware, I have not posted to my blog in several months. The explanation for why follows.

On February 18, 2001, I wrote a letter to all of my financial and spiritual supporters informing them of the incredible struggle the church is going through here in La Palma. I am including that letter here and a follow-up note below:

To my friends and family in Christ with concern and love for the work in La Palma:

Last Sunday, February 13, 2011, [NAME WITHHELD FOR LEGAL REASONS] was dis-fellowshipped from the Church of Christ in La Palma. Though his support was discontinued at the end of June 2010, [NAME WITHHELD] decided he wanted to be a preacher in La Palma even without financial support. He continued to preach 2 Sunday's each month and was responsible for the Wednesday night Family Meeting in members' homes.

In September (correction it was August) 2010, it was discovered [NAME WITHHELD] had taken, without permission, more than $500 of the money from the weekly offering, for which he was treasurer (that's over 30% of the annual contribution). At that time he said he used it to buy flour for his family bakery. Over the next several months many meetings and conversations were held with [NAME WITHHELD], the ministers here and the elders in Missouri, all with the goal of bringing [NAME WITHHELD] to repentance, reconciliation with God and the church, and repayment of the remaining money.

In January of this year, [NAME WITHHELD] and his family were told they would no longer be allowed to serve in any leadership capacity or in any worship or class time duties until further notice from the elders in Missouri. The Friday after this news was shared with the congregation here, [NAME WITHHELD] filed a claim with the Department of Labor suing the church for back wages from July 2010 through January 8, 2011 - in the amount of $2,181 and change.

After much prayer, discussion and wrecked emotion, a letter was read to the congregation here informing them of the decision to "Cortar la Comunión" (the Latin American equivalent of dis-fellowship) with [NAME WITHHELD] and his family. We sited the Biblical models of Matthew 1815-17, 1 Timothy 1:18-20 (Hymenaeus & Alexander) and 3 John 1:9-11 (Diotrophes) as well as 1 Corinthians 6:1-8 and gave examples of [NAME WITHHELD]'s behavior.

I am writing this now to let you know of this situation as you are in some way involved in the ministry here. Please pray for José and me as we continue to nurse the wounded and battle the consequences of [NAME WITHHELD]'s sin and as we try to keep a focus on the ongoing evangelistic efforts of the church here. Also, pray for my family and Teresa as we all strive to shine Christ in our service to the families in this area.

That ends the original letter. What follows is an update:

Much more work has gone in to combating the division caused by this man. The average attendance has dropped from the high 70s to mid-to-high 40s in just 3 months. He has continued, in secret, to meet with church members in their homes and in his – though since everyone talks about everyone else, it does not remain secret for more than a few hours. He has continued to spread lies about me, José, and the "Americans", and many believe him. He is a very cunning and charismatic man, and he is loved by most of the members of the church here and in San Ignacio. José and I continue to combat the lies with truth, but we find it difficult to convince the people about the severity of the problem.

The biggest problem is not the theft of the money or even the lawsuit against the church – though these are severe enough for our actions. No, the real issue is a seared conscience (as Paul talks about to Timothy in 1 Timothy 4:2). The unmitigated gall of this man and his eldest son is truly astonishing. They exude brazen arrogance, having a total lack of humility (Philippians 2:3). Their passion for self-righteousness has torn down years of work in this community, divided families and nearly severed the fellowship of neighboring congregations. He has also spread lies to other congregation's preachers and even to the preacher school in the country's capitol.

When this man and his family ceased attendance and contact with José and me in January, we hoped he would abandon the struggles here. We discontinued the pursuit of the stolen money, and made plans for the year that included evangelistic campaigns, preaching, teaching and other works of the church. When we were served with the papers for the suit, it came as quite a shock. We sought legal counsel, and made attempts to convey the seriousness of the situation to the elders overseeing the La Palma congregation.

After several failed attempts to have this man drop the suit, our lawyer advised us to file legal proceedings concerning the theft of the offering money. José and I discussed this and prayed about it for a long time. My reading in Matthew 18:23-35 convinced me that this was a valid course of action. A debt had been forgiven and reinstituted when it was discovered that the forgiven could not forgive. Our lawyer advised this may motivate this man to drop his claims against us. This was unfortunately not the case.

Many of our days this year have been spent in anguish and fear (this man is ex-military and we were told he'd been known to display violent tendencies in the past). Whereas we used to look forward to Sunday most of all days, we began to dread it at the thought of this man and his family showing up. We had to make contingency plans for our children and talk with them about "what to do in case of…" as if we were teaching them fire drills. Erin, bless her heart, has handled it with much more maturity than a 14 year-old should be required to have. Nathan, as easy going as he is, takes it mostly in stride. However, both of my children have developed in ways we had not imagined for them during our time here. They have seen Christian behavior at its best and worst. They have taken on more stress than I'm sure I could have at their age. And, at times the bitterness and anger pours out of them. Though we try, Lori and I cannot hide our stress and anguish from them - they are after all intelligent people. With nearly 40 years of church-going experience as a preacher's son, "regular member", deacon, teacher, and now preacher/missionary, this is the worst situation I have seen.

The story is not over, though we have continued to hold out olive branch after olive branch. He and his family showed up this morning in La Palma for church services – late enough to be noticed by everyone as they all came in with a flourish – even though they had been asked not to return until all of the legal actions had been resolved. The work of José to wipe the legal slate clean is proceeding, and with great difficulty and much travel he and the lawyer are finally seeing agreement to end the legal processes against each other. We hope to have this, at least legally, behind us soon. This man expects all to return to normal once the legal proceedings are dropped, but as I said, these are not the disease, only the symptoms.

As you hopefully will understand, that is not all of the details of the situation. I could write a book on the subject, but some things are better left unsaid. Also, some things should not be shared. Perhaps I have shared too much already, but believe me when I say this is only the half of it.

The pain and injury caused to The Lord's Body in La Palma is far from healed. In fact, more injury will come before any healing begins. The struggle continues.

During the time we have been forced to deal with this situation, the rest of life did not cease, nor did we have an office to leave, work in files to resume the next day. This has been an all day every day situation. One from which we have been unable to find respite. At the same time, much else has happened as, for example, talking to a single mother (and church member) who continues to get drunk and get into fights in the street, sometimes leaving her young children home alone all night; and talking to a depressed and bitter mother of 3 out of suicide; a mother of one student assaulted one of the teachers by choking here – this mother is a church member we also had to talk to; we have had deaths; members jailed for gang and extortion activity; and much more that is to be reasonably expected when dealing with the growth of a young congregation.

We have had good, too. These are the things of which I used to blog with regularity, and I offer my apologies for letting my afflicted and perplexed spirit (2 Corinthians 4:8) to cast shadows over them. Let me be very clear, if you have ever doubted that Satan is real and desires to kill the work of Jesus Christ, I will be the first to confirm that he is real, for I have met his son.

All of this having been said, ask me how I am doing and I can still respond, as one of my favorite elders used to say, "Terrific, but I'll get better!" John 14:3."

Now, back to my own words. As you can see, we have all been very stressed out. It's showing physically. It's a tough situation to say the least, and I appreciate the prayers and support from my friends and family who have already been talking with me; more than they know. The facebook and text messages that you're praying for us, the Bible verses you've sent me, skype calls, everything. I love all of you, thank you so much. Please continue to pray for us throughout this whole ordeal; for wisdom to know how to handle things, patience, peace, and unity in the church. Not sure what else there is to say, but that's the excuse for not blogging enough.

Blessings always,

Erin <3

Guide, Map, Machete

Yesterday was the twins' (Deyci and Griselda's) birthday. And it was also Wednesday. Every Wednesday we have a service in someone's home, and yesterday it was in their home to celebrate with them. Jose gave the lesson, and it was really good. Since it was their 17th birthday, he themed the lesson around Psalm 119:9.

"How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your

Since the girls are just starting living their own "Way" or "Path", we talked about how you can keep on the good path.
In life, your path is never going to be a straight, smooth path. There will be thorns, and bumps, and holes. There'll be snakes, and animals, and you'll probably trip and fall.

So, how do we avoid all that?

  • You can try to just be super careful. Step slowly... But maybe you can't see that the hill you're stepping around has thorns poking out, or a snake lurking behind it. Uh-oh.

  • So, you can try to just sit out, and give up. But if you're not walking your path at all, you're not living at all. Lame.

  • Maybe you think you're just brave enough to take it. You have shoes on, you can walk over those thorns. But, the thorns are tougher than they look, and your shoes aren't as strong as you thought. Ouch.

  • So it would seem, the only option left is to clear the path out, right?

Well that makes sense. But how do we do that? We're just human, we can't do it all ourselves. We need a map, to know which turns to take. A guide who knows their stuff to tell us what to avoid. A machete, so that when we come to thorns or animals we can clear them out.

What can be all of those in one? Or as it's put in Psalm: How can a young man keep his way pure?
The Bible. Living according to the word!
If the snakes are bad company, and the thorns are anger, and maybe the little bumps are drugs, the bugs are anything else that could pull you away and put you off track, we have to clear those things out by living according to the word.
We can't just read the Word.
We can't just memorize the Word.
We have to actually LIVE the Word.
Now, that's not saying that if you live the word you won't have those things tempting you and pushing you. Far from it! You'll have just as many, or more. But when they do come around, you'll have something the world doesn't; something, someone, to take care of them for you. You just have to let Him.
You have your guide, your map, and your machete. :)

Blessings always,
Erin :)

The Webcam

I'm so blessed to have a laptop with a built in webcam. :)

Skype has to be one of the most amazing things ever. I love being able to actually see and talk to my friends and family! (Have skype? Add me!) And those photo booth programs that make you look funny? Tons of fun. Especially for a couple girls who never would have even imagined a webcam.

Last night, Noemi was watching my facebook interactions over my shoulder, so I randomly pulled up the webcam and took our picture. She was anxious to take more, so I downloaded a free program with special effects. Just look at all the fun we had last night!

They loved it! And so did I. :)
After we were done with the pictures, we got to skype with my grandparents. Roxana and Noemi practiced some of their basic English with them. (They're getting really good at "please," "thank you," "hello," "good morning," and "yes." And their English alphabet is coming along great! Just look at the video mom posted of them learning it with me while washing the dishes!)
It was an awesome night. :)


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Valentine's Fiesta-ness in La Palma

So much for my new "regular blogging" like I said I would try. It appears it's been about a month since my last post...
A lot has been going on during that month. Maybe that's an understatement... But we're going to go with one thing at a time!
I received an email wishing me a happy Valentine's Day one day this month, and in the email she said she guessed that if we were doing anything for it my sisters wouldn't really understand why. It's quite the opposite, though. Valentine's Day is much bigger than it is in The States! Dia de Amistad y Amor is celebrated all over. The week of Valentine's Day, though, is also the week of the patron saint of La Palma or something... I don't understand all the reasoning for the celebration, but let me tell you that the word "celebration" doesn't quite cover all the fiesta-ness that goes on in La Palma that week. A huge festival was brought to the town, complete with candy, food vendors, candy, carnival rides, candy, rigged carnival games, candy, and all sorts of other booths selling jewelry and souvenirs. Did I mention the candy? Several blocks of the city were taken up with candy booths.
The entire road from our triangle by the church building all the way up to where the road splits at the hotel (on the 10y15 side) was shut down and full of those things I mentioned, for those of you who have been here before and know the layout of the city. Not to mention the park and market street were also filled and overflowing with people and booths. There was a full on video game arcade set up, a couple ferris wheels and merry-go-rounds, and all sorts of games involving parrots, cards, and dice. Two separate pizza vendors were there, and our time spent with them was delicious. Fire works were blasting every once and a while, starting at 5 AM and going on until late into the night.
Each night was a different event; some at the park, some in the street, and other places across town.
One especially memorable night was the RODEO.
Bull riding, Salvadorian style. Staying home that night? Not a chance.
Was it terrifying? Definitely. Was it awesome? You betcha.
The bulls were kinda lame... It seemed like they could have just been roped over from the farm down the road. The best one we saw was named "Mariposa," which is Spanish for butterfly.
Butterfly. Really?
Except, they explained that he got his name because he can practically fly because he jumps so much. Yeah, that was the most intense match.
The next night was the finale, and there was a big party at the park. There was a short parade, they introduced the "Miss La Palma," live music, more food and candy, and more vendors. Around 11 or so that night was the HUGE fireworks. I'm pretty sure my house was shaking.
I loved the week, it was so much fun. I hope all of your Valentine's Day and weeks were as good!

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Yesterday, Today, Forever

Remember how I heard Francesca Battistelli's song while I was typing my last blog entry, and it was perfect? Today the song Yesterday, Today, Forever by Ryan Stevenson came on. The line repeated throughout it is:

"Yesterday, today, forever,

all may change but You will never.

Glory to Your name!"

I thought this was perfect for all the changes going on in our house with two new sisters! Changes for me, sure. For example: My brain is beginning to hurt from an even deeper level of Spanish immersion. I am now positive that I will be returning to the States completely fluent in my Spanish, just because of Roxana and Noemi. Also, I'm loving being able to just hang out and talk with my sisters. (I'm loving being able to say "hanging out with my sisters" almost as much as actually doing it!! ;] )

Thing is, though, the changes for them are a lot more than they are for me. They've never had electricity, never had running water, and tend to live on tortillas, beans, corn, rice, etc. My family, on the other hand, has always had electricity, always had running water, and almost never have meals of just tortillas, beans, corn, and rice. Because of stuff like that, their first day was very interesting.
Last Thursday they came over for the first time, with their mom. We were planning on going out to eat with them for lunch before school. Knowing that they never have choices, and not wanting to overwhelm them with too many choices at once, we decided we could go to Eric's for pizza.
Noemi, Roxana, and their mother had never even heard of pizza.
They seemed to really like it, though. After lunch, the girls went to school. Since they'd been getting over the flu, they went back home that night afterwards. We had the same arrangement Friday, too.

When their mom picked them up that afternoon, though, she was in tears. Her husband, Orlando, is very sick. The situation is pretty grave. We don't fully understand everything that's going on with him; some kind of palsy in his face, maybe? Possible even some problems with his mind? Regardless, we got them transportation to the clinic and hospital. I'd like to ask all of you to please keep him in your prayers. Things aren't any worse, but they aren't really better, either.

The girls' first full day here was Monday. The running water was so intriguing to them both. Roxana asked me how it was able to come out and shut off so quickly. In the kitchen sink, there's hot water, which was even more interesting to them. And the microwave we used for lunch? They'd never heard of such a thing, were completely entranced at first. To start off with something simple, kind of ease into things, we had what we call Rapiditas for lunch. (Mom has a blog about them here.) During this, we talked some with them about other foods. Neither of them had heard of peanut butter, and one had heard of hamburgers, but neither had tried them. So many simple things to us, Noemi and Roxana had no idea about. Since then, we've tried to go slowly on introducing new foods. Chicken sandwiches, soup, stuff like that. I'm kind of excited at the prospect of them showing me how to cook the typical El Salvador foods!

Another new thing for them is a shower like we're used to. Since most people don't have running water, people use bucket baths or sponge baths, etc. A shower like ours was a little interesting for them to grasp, I think. They caught on to all the changes quickly, though. They're both adapting pretty well, actually. School is going well, too. We found out that my friend, Yoselin, is their cousin! Here's a picture of me with the two of them and Yoselin.

Left to right: Yoselin, me, Roxana, Noemi

Roxana and Noemi and I ended up watching a couple short episodes of the Penguins of Madagascar last night before we went to bed. I think they had a lot of fun with that. I know I did! :)

I'm really enjoying having them here. Yeah, it's different. Yeah, there are so many changes taking place in everything we do. But, the verse that Ryan Stevenson's song is based on, Hebrews 13:8, says

"Jesus Christ is the same

yesterday and today and forever."

Lots of things change. I definitely know this. In less than a year, a whole bunch of new things have taken place. New country, new language, new friends, new sisters... But one person will never change. :)

More to be posted soon. Love,


My Little Mess

I told you that I'd keep up my blog better this year. So, here's a quick little update. :)
My new sisters, Chana(Roxana Elizabeth) and Mita(Ruth Noemi), have been sick for over a week now and can't make it here today as was originally planned. They will be coming to school tomorrow and Friday, but only for school. They'll start staying nights with us on next Monday. I'm excited to get to know them!
There's been a lot of furniture moving and stuff going on. What was Dad's office is going to be their room, and we've got a set of bunk beds, one of the wardrobes, and some various shelf space and desk-chairs. We also had to purchase some new shelves and clothing storage for Mom and Dad, since what was theirs stayed in the room. We've put up a new shower curtain thing, too. Ought to be interesting since the girls don't even have running water...

Anyway, we had a pretty busy night yesterday with a lot of people visiting and lots of things happening at once; including a leaky pipe, the furniture delivery truck, connection issues with the institute's online classes, visits from a couple families, several important phone calls at once(Seriously, I saw Mom on the cell phone and the home line at the same time. In Spanish? That's some mad skills right there.), you know- just the usual. All in the time span of about 15 minutes.
Isn't it comforting to have a God we can depend on through everything like that?
As I was typing this, Francesca Battistelli's newest song "The Stuff" came on my online radio station. Click Here to listen to it. She starts off mentioning some of those little every day things that really start to get to us; losing keys or phones, speeding tickets, ya know. But I really like her lyrics in the chorus:

"In the middle of my little mess, I forget how big I'm blessed.
This is the stuff that gets under my skin, but I gotta trust You know exactly what You're doing...
So break me of impatience, conquer my frustrations, I've got a new appreciation, it's not the end of the world...
It might not be what I would choose, but this is the stuff You use."

In the middle of my little mess, I forget how big I really am blessed.
More to be posted soon :)
Erin :)

I'm Getting Sisters!

If you're a facebook friend of mine or my parents, you may have heard some about this yesterday: I'm getting two new sisters!

Back in December when the group was here, after our Chuntrun visits, we became aware of a need, and tried to provide a solution.

The schools in the mountain places like that only go up to 6th grade, if they're that lucky.
Sure, we all complain about school every once and a while. But, if you were given the choice, I highly doubt any of you would decide to stop school when you're only 12. The kids there in Chuntrun, in Cumbre Del Gramal, and many mountain villages have no choice. The girls go to school for 6 years, and then they become full time babysitters for their parents. Soon after, they're likely to become parents themselves. The boys become farmers. That's life for them, and that's really all they've known.
The school here opened 7th grade this year, for the first time. See where this is going? A while back, we'd offered to let one of the Chuntrun girls, Dora, live with us and go to school here during the weeks.
It was pretty devastating that her parents wouldn't let her, simply because they wouldn't have anyone to watch their kids if she was gone.
We also offered this opportunity to a pair of sisters in Cumbre Del Gramal, ages 14 and 13. Their mother and the younger one came to our house for a meeting, said they'd talk about it, and then we never heard back from them, assuming that the answer was no.
Well the new school year here started today. Yesterday after church, guess who showed up? The girls' parents were there, saying their daughters could come! Noemi(14) and Roxana(13) will be moving in with us this Wednesday. Lots of last minute preparations, tying up loose ends, and such will be going on these next two days!
The girls will be living with us during the week, and going back with their family on the weekends. I'm really excited, if a little anxious about all this. The girls have never had electricity, and don't speak any English. It means some big changes; on both sides. Keeping the work here in your prayers always is appreciated!
... I'm getting two new sisters!! :)
Erin :)

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New Years! (... ish.)

One of my new year's resolutions: Blog better. More frequently, less sporadically.

That being said, I'm not going to bore you with a post that drags on forever to recap the past month (longer, I guess) that I haven't blogged about.
Jesus (the preacher in San Ignacio, calm down, people.) has been working with us, and we've started a couple new ministries for the new year. On Tuesdays, we will be making visits throughout San Ignacio to the members and visitors from the church there. We got to do that with my grandparents last week while they were visiting, which was a great experience for all of us.

^^^ Tell me, how many of you have been in a Bible study with a pet goat? ;)

Another ministry we'll be doing with him this year is in Chuntrun. You may have read some of my past posts about Chuntrun, the little "village", if you can even call it that, up in the mountains. I have had the opportunity to visit the school there twice. But in regards to the people's homes there, I've only seen them through the trees from far away. I've wanted to visit the sisters there, it's just a matter of the right time and transportation. This year, though, we will be visiting a house there once a week for a Bible study! I'm really excited about this chance. The first visit for us took place last week, as well.
Natividad and Maria's house is where it took place, and it was an amazing experience. They have no electricity in their home, no running water, not even an out-house or anything. (Just don't even ask how I found that out.) They live very close to the river; you may remember the pictures of the swinging bridge you have to cross to get to the school. There are also several natural springs very close to their house, and they have hoses that carry the water from the springs to their yard. Maria said that they always have water, every time of year.

^^^ This is me with a couple of the Chuntrun kids near the springs.

The Bible study was really good, Jesus did a great job. I'm looking forward to more of this ministry this year. :)

Along with these, we found out today about a super exciting new opportunity we'll be taking part in soon, which I hope to post about tomorrow. Lots of new things this year! So, very late, I'd like to wish all of you a blessed new year.

More to be posted VERY soon, hopefully!

Su amiga,

Erin :)

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This place? This is my blog! I'm Erin, or you may know me as Ruth. I'm spending this year living in La Palma, El Salvador with my family working with the church, and I'm pretty pumped about seeing some awesome stuff happen through our amazing God. Here, you can read about some of that awesome stuff, catch up with my family news (There's a link to the rest of the fam's blogs above!), or just see what I've been up to lately. Thanks for checking it out! :)

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